

Enlightenment, Carl Friedrich Bahrdt, satire, Das Religions-Edikt, Herr Pastor Rindvigius


'What is enlightenment?' This question, posed to German reading audiences in the autumn of 1783 by the journal Berlinische Monatsschrift, ignited a debate that lasted a decade. While the famous answer, given by the philosopher Immanuel Kant, emphasized enlightenment as, above all else, self-emancipation, others stressed the role of external factors-education and institutions-in promoting the individual's ability to think for himself. Through correct upbringing, education, and laws, the individual and society can be brought to enlightenment, so the thinking went. This latter model accented the importance of human development (Bildung) and institutional reform as a means to facilitate this process. Human nature, in this model, is determined by environment. When the right conditions prevail, enlightenment is inevitable rather than contingent on the free decision of the individual.
