

student publication, History Department, editor note


In the preface to one of his many books David Herlihy, renowned professor of medieval history, challenged his students and colleagues to consider his work carefully, quoting the great Roman poet Horace: "If you know something more accurate than the things written here, then openly share it; if not, use these with me" (Epistles, 1.6.67-68). 1 Each year, history students at Brigham Young University take up the challenge described by Horace, to think critically, ask questions, and participate in the ongoing search for historical truth. l11e Beta Iota chapter of Phi Alpha Theta publishes The Thetean annually as a means for students to give voice to their work. As a staff, we hope that the papers included in this edition serve not only as an adequate representation of the efforts of students and the faculty who mentored them, but also as an encouragement for students to consider this challenge in their future historical endeavors.
