Danish literature, family history
Note: Seventy years after his death the Danish-born writer Carl Hansen (1860-1916) remains, among those who read Danish, a highly valued interpreter of the immigrant experience in the United States. Hansen was the subject of two articles in earlier issue (Vol. 2:1, 1979) of The Bridge. His short stories and one novel are together a landmark in the American literature written in Danish , but the books have become inaccessible to many and, as to language, closed to a large audience who would appreciate his ability to sketch Danish-American personalities and lives. In Tyler, Minnesota, where he lived until 1910, and later in Oregon and Washington states, he was a personality to be reckoned with. To introduce Carl Hansen the man and writer to those who have not met him before we provide here translations of three pieces. The first, by Eiler Hansen, is a memory of Carl Hansen written shortly after his death . "My Father" was originally published Salomons Almanak for 1917 (Danish Publishing House of the Pacific Coast: Seattle). "The Jackrabbit " (Haren) appeared in landsmamd (Dansk Boghandels Forlag : Cedar Falls, Iowa 1908), and "The Streetcar Motorman" (Sporvognskusken) in Nisqually. Biografier - Skitsker - Fortzllinger og Overszttelser (Nationale Forfatteres Forlag: Copenhagen 1912). ed .
Recommended Citation
Hansen, Carl
"A Sampler,"
The Bridge: Vol. 5:
2, Article 6.
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