

Mads Henningsen


Danish magazines, Danish-American periodicals


A half century ago, the split between Danish and Norwegian in the United States was not as sharply delineated as it is now. The two nations’ work and interests overlapped on many points. Thus it was a Danish man, Claus Lauridsen Clausen, who was the first pastor among the Norwegians in America. This same man began in 1853 the publication of the magazine “Emigranten” [The Emigrant], which addressed both Norwegian and Danish readers. This magazine still exists as “Minneapolis Tidende” [The Minneapolis Times] and is one of the largest and most widely-distributed Norwegian-American magazines. In 1847, a Danish man in New York, Hans Peter Christian Hansen, founded “Scandinavia,” which came out for a short time in Danish-Norwegian and Swedish, but which has long since gone under.
