

Karl Gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan, Johannes V. Jensen


Religion, Philosophy, and Art are related. Sometimes more than other. They are so much in family, in fact, that they are able to become one. This may even happen without being intended or even realized, but we also have, in Western civilization, instances where the artist very clearly meant his work to represent a unity of Religion, Philosophy, and Art. The greatest known instance of this is, of course, Dante Alighieri's poem La Divina Commedia (ca. 13071320), the story of his wandering through Purgatory, down to Hell, and up to Paradise where his ideal love for Beatrice allows him to unite with God. If you are the reader Dante intended you to be, you will at the end of The Divine Comedy be convinced that Religion, Philosophy, and Art are very much in family and certainly able to become one.
