Author Date


Degree Name



Theatre and Media Arts


Fine Arts and Communications

Defense Date


Publication Date


First Faculty Advisor

Jeff Parkin

First Faculty Reader

Thomas Russell

Honors Coordinator

Dean Duncan


film, postproduction, notion, production management, software


This thesis aims to provide guidance for film students and small in- dependent productions on streamlining their film productions, with a particular focus on simplifying the postproduction workflow. While there’s a significant written component to this thesis, it remains classified as a ‘creative project’ and thus may not look like traditional scholarly research of media arts in some as- pects, mainly by focusing on the technical considerations of filmmaking rather than critical study and media theory. It is split into two parts. First, it will detail the research and the decision-making behind the creation of a Notion template aimed at managing a small film production from start to finish. Second, it will fo- cus on guiding principles for postproduction. It will cover various concepts, commonly asked questions and some case studies and technical articles. Those topics have been chosen through surveys of students, faculty, professionals of the industry, as well as informed by personal experience.

Included in

Fine Arts Commons
