Author Date


Degree Name





Marriott School of Management

Defense Date


Publication Date


First Faculty Advisor

Dr. James Oldroyd

First Faculty Reader

Robert Spiel

Honors Coordinator

Dr. Mark Hansen


Strategic Management, Business Strategy, Strategy, Strategic Theory Relevance


This thesis provides the foundation of a larger project, namely the Strategy Unlocked Codex. It is my task to provide sufficient content for ten strategic theories to assist the public at large by enhancing their understanding of business strategy and discovering applications in their professional situations. The ten theories have been researched, analyzed, and explained both in print and by film. Videos, both short and long, as well as integrated graphics have been developed to further demonstrate theory understanding. The result is a format that can be replicated for others to use in the population of the Strategy Unlocked Codex. This project resulted in ten separate theories and over 15 videos explaining various strategic models and their relevance today. The Codex will be later used to assist BYU in becoming a landmark school for strategy and assist current industry research by providing a compendium of knowledge, of which there is no comparable equal at this time, to both professionals and students alike. Each theory has been fully researched and is ready for use and application across the Codex.

Included in

Business Commons
