Swiss American Historical Society Review

Swiss democracy, Swiss history, Swiss Confederacy
The year 1291 is considered the birth of Switzerland as we know it. Yet this is not entirely correct, since it was when the Swiss Confederacy was formed. This defensive alliance between some cantons that would expand over time did not mean Switzerland was a unified nation-state. Most of Europe in 1291 was stuck in the Middle Ages with few unified nations existing at the time. 1648 was an important year for Switzerland and the rest of Europe. The Treaty of Westphalia marked the end of the Thirty Years’ War that involved most of the continent over religion and politics. The treaty acknowledged the legal independence of Switzerland, which was agreed to by the powers of Europe. Thus began Switzerland’s road to unity and neutrality, making it one of the unique states of Europe that continues to this day.
Recommended Citation
Marabello, Thomas Quinn
"Challenges to Swiss Democracy: Neutrality, Napoleon, & Nationalism,"
Swiss American Historical Society Review: Vol. 59:
2, Article 5.
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