Swiss American Historical Society Review

United States Civil War, Swiss emigrants, Daniel Schmid, Union Army
Swiss immigrants to the United States fought in the American Civil War on both sides. About 6,000 fought on the side of the Union, while the number of those who joined the Confederacy is not known.1 Some even rose to prominence reaching the rank of General. Daniel Schmid, a common soldier, who was born in 1834 in the Swiss town of Buchs, Canton St. Gallen, and joined the Union Army of the North. In his autobiography that he wrote for his numerous brothers in Switzerland, Schmid provided much detail about his war experience. It was quite common at the time to write for the benefit of relatives about one’s fate abroad. Daniel Schmid sent his account, titled Memoriale, to his brothers in 1893, quite some years after the events.
Recommended Citation
Braendle, Fabian
"In the Turmoil of the Civil War: Swiss Emigrant Daniel Schmid of the Union Army,"
Swiss American Historical Society Review: Vol. 56:
2, Article 6.
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