"The Psychological Odyssey of 1909:" by William E. Herman and Axel Fair-Schulz

Swiss American Historical Society Review

Swiss American Historical Society Review


Switzerland, Swiss history, European history


M any volumes in the scholarly literature explore the complex evolution of the relationship between Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud as well as the eventual split between these two influential contributors to psychoanalytic thought and more generally to the field of psychology and other academic fields/professions. The events that transpired during the seven-week journey from Europe to America and back in the autumn of 1909 would serve as a catalyst to not only re-direct the lives of Jung and Freud along different paths , but also re-shape the roadmap of psychoanalytic thinking, clinical applications, and psychology. The 1909 visit was instrumental in further strengthening psychoanalytic thought in America , while simultaneously loosening the lynch-pins holding together Jung and Freud's increasingly fragile relationship.
