"Einsiedeln Elsewhere A 2015 Report about Re-activating Ties with Louis" by Susann Bosshard-Kalin

Swiss American Historical Society Review

Swiss American Historical Society Review


Switzerland, Swiss history, European history


For years the idea has pursued me to look for the traces of Swiss from the town of Einsiedeln who had settled in the city of Louisville situated on the lower Ohio River. In the year 2006 when I was on a journalistic assignment for the Neue Zlircher Zeitung related to the Benedictine monastery St. Meinrad in southern Indiana, I was fortunate to meet people with ancestors from my hometown Einsiedeln. I met eight descendants-Kaelins, Schoenbaechlers, Birchlers, Bisigs-for coffee and I thought already then how fascinating it would be to take a closer look at the trails of those emigrants in the context of today.
