"New Books and Articles Concerning Leo Lesquereux (1806-1889)" by Donald Tritt

Swiss American Historical Society Review

Swiss American Historical Society Review


Donald Tritt


Nine years ago the SwissAmericanHistorical Society sponsored publication of the book Leo Lesquereux, Letters from America 1849- 1853 (Rockport, Maine: Picton Press, 2006), a translation from the French by H. Dwight Page of Lesquereux 's Lettres d' Amerique 1849- 1853 with editing and commentary by Wendy Everham. I offered to write a biography for this work, titled "Leo Lesquereux: The Arduous Path of a Nineteenth Century Natural Scientist" (pp.1-122). In addition to being a biographical narrative, this section also contained six appendices that list Lesquereux 's publications, secondary references to his works, the titles in his library, and archival collections of his correspondence; it also featured the ancestry of Sophia Henrietta Eleonore von Wolfskeel von Reichenberg (1810-1882) and of Leo Lesquereux
