Swiss American Historical Society Review

Switzerland, Swiss history, European history
The intent of this article is to impart information on the nineteenth-century Swiss artist Ferdinand Arnold Brader (1833- 1901) , who was born on December 7, 183 3, to Johann Baptist Brad er (1795-1842) and Anna Maria Steiner [Brader] 1 (1801-1859) , in village house no. 51 in Kaltbrunn (see Figure l).2The location of the
village is at an altitude of 440 meters (1,444 feet), surrounded by the Alps, within the district of See-Gaster, in the Linth River Valley of Canton St. Gallen , which is south of Obersee, a largely Catholic and German-speaking area in the northeast of Switzerland, with Germany to the north and the Rhine Valley leading to Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. About one-third of the canton is still forested , and even now, nearly half of the canton is farmland, a very small percentage of which is alpine pasture , used in the summer months. Brader was baptized the next day, December 8, at the Katholische Kirche in Kaltbrunn , probably in the presence of his two brothers , Franz Aloys and Johann Gustav.
Recommended Citation
Sperling, Della Clason
"The Legacy of Ferdinand A. Brader (Swiss, 1833-1901),"
Swiss American Historical Society Review: Vol. 51:
1, Article 2.
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