Swiss American Historical Society Review

Switzerland, Swiss history, European history
M ost readers will note the irony embedded in the title of this paper and the Einstein quote. There is an obvious and important thread of truth derived from such premises. Is it prudent and scholarly to employ Jean Piaget's theory in order to more deeply explore the meaning of Piaget's theory? Biblical scholars have long been known to use the writings of the Apostles and other Biblical voices as tools to understand sacred text. In this way, the Bible is used to understand the Bible. As the Swiss theologian Karl Barth once stated regarding the daring element of Christian faith: "The Holy Scriptures will interpret themselves in spite of all our human limitations.''1 In a similar fashion on the theoretical and methodological fronts, history has better informed the study of history and psychology has been employed to learn psychology. There is a history of history and a history of psychology. There is psychology behind psychology and a psychology of history. Might the best theory and method also be one that proves itself?
Recommended Citation
Herman, William E.
"The Ideas of Jean Piaget: Using Theory to Better Understand Theory and Improve Learning,"
Swiss American Historical Society Review: Vol. 48:
3, Article 3.
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