Swiss American Historical Society Review

Operation, Intelligence, Power
When, exactly, Switzerland became a hub for intelligence gathering
and covert operations has been lost to the mists of time. Despite centuries
of implicit and declared transnational neutrality, Switzerland, by the
cruel ironies of geographic fate, couldn't help being at the confluence of
the intelligence realpolitik in Europe and, later, in the world. This article
seeks to illustrate through selected examples--from the early nineteenth
to the twentieth centuries--facets of the history of the foreign use of
Switzerland and the Swiss neutrality ideal in the tectonic power politics
of international intrigue. Spying and associated covert operations
in Switzerland-then as now-are illegal, of course, as they are in all
countries. But the Swiss history of clandestine or subrepitious actions
is rich and seldom acknowledged, and this article intends to illumine
selected clandestine cases which illustrate how Switzerland accommodates
covert enterprise.
Recommended Citation
Champion, Brian
"Heidi And Seek: Cases Of Espionage And Covert Operations In Switzerland, 1795-1995,"
Swiss American Historical Society Review: Vol. 47:
2, Article 4.
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