Swiss American Historical Society Review

Report, Family, Relationships
The author of this personal report did not stop research on his
native Dorlikon with the present volume, reedited unchanged. Questions
of local conditions and family relationships, economic limitations in the
17th and everyday life in the 18th century filled three more volumes (see
the concluding essay by Leo Schelbert). Additional light was shed on
the causes for emigration, and a second research trip to the USA in 1996
yielded many a missing puzzle stone towards the picture of the Dorlikon
emigrants. These new facts have been assembled here under the headings
of the emigrant families. Reference is made to the Dorlikon volumes from
which the new facts have been taken, in particular to the genealogical
appendix of Vol. IV, volume/page.
Recommended Citation
Basler, Konrad
"Second Harvest: The State Of Research 2007- An Update,"
Swiss American Historical Society Review: Vol. 46:
3, Article 9.
Available at: