"Letters of Swiss Immigrants from New Bern, 1710 -1711" by Vincent H. Todd, Translator and Hedwig Rappolt, Translator

Swiss American Historical Society Review

Swiss American Historical Society Review


letters, Swiss immigrants, New Bern


HANS RUEGSEGGER: I am in hopes that within a year I'll have over 100 head of horses, cattle, and pigs.

Next to my friendly greetings I report to you that I and my household arrived in Carolina safe and sound, and luckily at that, but on the 26th of Hornung [February] my son HanB died with great longing for the Lord Jesus. However on the last of Haying-Month [July] 1710, my daughter gave birth to a beautiful young son. We are on truly good and fat land; I am in hopes that within the year I'll have over 100 head of horses, cattle, and pigs. If I were offered all of Nider-Ey as a gift to make me return to Switzerland and go into service as before, I would not do it because of freedom of conscience.
