Swiss American Historical Society Review

Throughout 1999 the SAHS was involved in pursuing plans to establish a Swiss American Center in New Glarus, Wisconsin. Although the SAHS' involvement in the project has been terminated by the membership at the Annual Meeting of October 9, 1999 in Philadelphia, and although over eighty percent of the SAHS members polled agreed with that decision, it seems proper to present to the SAHS members a documentation of the events in the first issue of the SAHS Review of the year 2000, especially also of the steps taken by the SAHS representatives at the New Glarus meetings, E. Schmocker, the SAHS President, D. Tritt, First SAHS Vice President, and Leo Schelbert, Editor of SAHS Publications. The assembled documents hope to enable members to gain insight into the questions that have led to a disassociation of the SAHS from the Swiss American Center (SAC) project in New Glarus.
Recommended Citation
Schelbert, Leo
"Prefatory Note and Chronology,"
Swiss American Historical Society Review: Vol. 36:
1, Article 2.
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