"Swiss Recollections" by Arnold H. Price

Swiss American Historical Society Review

Swiss American Historical Society Review


Arnold H. Price


Swiss immigrant, CIA, World War II, daily life, SAHS


I am naturally very much pleased to have been honored to give an account of my diverse encounters with Switzerland and matters Swiss. And in this connection, I should point out that I have no Swiss ancestors and that my relationship to Helvetia is purely elective on my part. I was born in Bonn on the Rhine (a well-known Swiss export), where my father was an English-language instructor; my mother came from a Rhenish family. While growing up in Germany, my parents decided that I should spend my summer vacation at a home (Kinderheim) near Flims in Graubünden. I had a wonderful time in this sunny Alpine spot, and remember the happy days with nostalgia. But fate struck a few years later, as the big mountain behind the home slid down and devastated it. - At the end of my stay my father picked me up, and we hiked down the Axenstrasse along Lake Lucerne.
