Swiss American Historical Society Review

Genealogy, Walter Lips, Was isch dini Nahme, Swedish ancestry, Mario von Moos
In 1971 Walter Lips, a specialist in agriculture, was invited by the US Department of Agriculture to visit some 20 farms in the United States. In that context he made numerous contacts with people of Swiss descent and became interested in their history. In 1990, Walter Lips published the article "Die thurgauische Auswanderung nach den USA," Thurgauer Beitrage zur Geschichte 127 (1990) which explored the 1855 to 1862 migration of Swiss of the Amriswil and Sommeri region who had converted to the Mormon faith. In his recent study he followed the trail of the Sprungers whom he found in Idaho, California, Minnesota and above all in Indiana "where many of their descendants after 140 years still speak Bernese German" (217).
Recommended Citation
"Recent Publications of Genealogical Interest,"
Swiss American Historical Society Review: Vol. 32:
1, Article 6.
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