"Farewell Address to the Glarnese Emigrants Bound for New Glarus, April" by Casper Jenny

Swiss American Historical Society Review

Swiss American Historical Society Review


Casper Jenny


New Glarus, Swiss history, Wisconsin history, Swiss colony, Imigration


What our forefathers, who now rest in God, tried about 130 years ago, namely to organi7.e an emigration of Glarnese people, has now after many efforts become a reality in the fifth decade of the nineteenth century. On the 16th of April 1845, 196 citizens are leaving the homeland that is so dear to all of us, to seek under the guidance of the Emigration Society, which was founded in the year 1844, a new fatherland across the Atlantic Ocean. In order to safeguard all the best interests of the emigrants, the committee has seen fit to appoint two men who are to be in the position of supervising and guiding this important undertaking during the whole voyage. On behalf of the commission I hand over to them in writing the important duties which they are to fulfill. Dear fellow citizens about to depart from the fatherland, cooperate with them in confidence, respect and love so that their work may not be burdened without need.
