"Prefatory Note" by Leo Schelbert

Swiss American Historical Society Review

Swiss American Historical Society Review


Leo Schelbert


The first part of .this Review commemorates the founding of New Glarus one hundred and fifty years ago. The farewell address of Caspar Jenny (1812- 1860), a leading Glarnese citizen, speaks to us today as it did to the parting emigrants. The diary entry of Nildaus Durst (1797-1874), one of the two scouts who, after an extended journey through the Midwest, selected the land for the Glarnese emigrants, conveys some of the quiet excitement he felt during New Glarus' very first days. Jessica T. Skropanic, a New Glarnese at heart, offers a sober summary of the town's evolution and the challenge for its future, taken from the concluding pages of her MA-thesis.
