"Letters from 1915 to the End of the War" by Othmar Ammann and Lilly Ammann

Swiss American Historical Society Review

Swiss American Historical Society Review


Othmar Ammann, Switzerland, immigrants, military life, World War I


My dear parents,

Tomorrow the last steamship that can bring you our Christmas greetings is leaving, so that means: hurry. Just a few words, but from the heart.

One is carried along here in the non-ending stream of business so much that one can hardly catch one's breath in order to appreciate the ideal side of life. However, with the approach of the holidays, spirits are lifted. With great excitement and wonderment, young and old await the festive days. What will Christmas bring, how will the New Year begin? This is what each one is asking himself and with thousands this question is burning on their lips more than ever before. Will the raging storm that has so gripped humanity subside or will it toss onward and take further thousands of sacrifices? The thought is horrible.
