Swiss American Historical Society Newsletter

Swiss American Historical Society, Swiss pioneer
Before the advent of Mr. Collier, Everglades had been a sport-fisherman's outpost. There was an inn, the Rod & Gun Club, catering to yacht-borne fishing enthusiasts, and three or four small bungalows harbored families who made their modest living as guides. Now Everglades was going to be reshaped in a manner to do honor to its role as Country seat. There were many reminders of Mrs. Collier's favorite field of action: New York City. Approaching by boat, a street sign with the incongruous legend "Riverside Drive" had come into view. There also was the unavoidable Broadway. Along the boat pier the company store was boldly lettered "Manhattan Mercantile Company". A wooden Bank of Everglades, rooming houses and a number of employees' bungalows completed the 1923 inventory of Everglades buildings. Less pretentious workers' housing, as well as some industrial enterprises, saw mill, boat yards and mechanical shops, were located about a mile up the river, at Port DuPont. That settlement was named after Irene DuPont who, according to the letterhead of the one of the man Collier companies, was a co-sponsor of the Florida development.
Recommended Citation
Kubly, Alphonse A.; Schelbert, Dr. Leo; and B., L.
"Reminiscenses and Reflections,"
Swiss American Historical Society Newsletter: Vol. 4:
1, Article 3.
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