
Manuel Núñez Butrón (1900–1952): Rijcharismo and Rural Social Medicine in Peru

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Manuel Nunez Butron is considered a leader of rural social medicine in Latin America of the interwar period (1919–1939). He dedicated his life to improving the health of the Indigenous persons of the altiplano (high Andes) of Peru. Nunez Butron is virtually unknown to the current generation of English-speaking public health professionals (because of language barriers and anglocentrism) despite significant posthumous honors. We may learn much from the methods used by this pioneer in his “crusade to elevate the quality of life of the [Indigenous].”


This article was published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2021 and is archived here in Scholar's Archive as part of the Rijcharismo collection.

Runa Soncco editions 3 through 10 are part of the Manuel Nunez Butron document collection in the possession of the Lourdes Guillen Nunez family.

Digital versions of these editions are now available via Scholars Archive at the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University (https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/runasoncco).

In addition, a complete collection of the Runa Soncco journal editions is kept at the National Library in Lima, Peru (per Marcos Cueto, “‘Indigenismo’ and Rural Medicine in Peru: The Indian Sanitary Brigade and Manuel Nunez Butron,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 65, no. 1 [1991]: 22–41).
