"Review of At the Pulpit" by Beverly W. Palmer
Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship

Mormon Studies Review


Mormon women, early mormonism


In At the Pulpit—an annotated collection of fifty-four discourses given by Mormon women between 1831 and 2016—editors Jennifer Reeder and Kate Holbrook clearly achieve their stated goal of “representing the varied ways that Mormon women have addressed public audiences” (p. xxvii). The earliest speeches included in this book were delivered in the American Midwest until the mid-1840s; after 1852 these addresses were almost entirely given in Utah (exceptions being Liverpool, England, in 1861; Chicago in 1893; Washington, DC, in 1895; and Mexico City in 1972). The fact that speakers came from places like New Zealand and South Africa, for example, reflects the geographic expansion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Indeed, in 1996 Chieko N. Ozaki stated that more Mormons lived abroad than in the United States (p. 256).
