

work-life balance, coping mechanisms, medical devices, forced labor, business communication


The balancing act of contemporary life can be exhausting. Rarely is rewarding work, deeply satisfying relationships, and rejuvenating self-care tied up in a package and delivered on your doorstep. Sandholtz, Derr, Buckner, and Carlson, ask the question, “Has life for the dedicated post-modern careerist been reduced to ‘You’re born, you juggle, then you die?’” Hopefully, that is not the pre-destined fate of all contemporary adults.

In this issue of Marriott Student Review, our authors explore the balancing act of business professionals who teeter between relationships and work, as well as success and failure in their external and internal lives.



Marriott Student Review is a student journal created and published as a project for the Writing for Business Communications course at Brigham Young University (BYU). The views expressed in Marriott Student Review are not necessarily endorsed by BYU or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


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