
Journal of Undergraduate Research


psychosocial empowerment, Malawi women, psychosocial groups


Family, Home, and Social Sciences




Research has shown that most women in Malawi will experience some form of trauma or adversity in their lifetime, and that such adversity can increase rates of mental illness and instability by as much as 15-20% (Saxena, 2017). Simple psychosocial groups and trainings have been shown to increase psychological resilience and prevent and/or heal mental instability. The term psychological resilience is defined as the way a person adapts well in the face of hard times, adversity, trauma, tragedy, or stress. Resilience can be taught through a few simple skills. The goal of this project was to get a better understanding of the psychological resilience of women at SAFI and then to teach them a few behaviors, actions, and skills that could possibly increase their resiliency.

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Psychology Commons
