
Journal of Undergraduate Research


meta-analytic investigation, physical ability subgroup, age, race


Marriott School of Management




The academic objectives are still in the process of being met as the research effort is ongoing. We had hoped to have an academic manuscript submitted during the Fall 2018 semester, however this proved impossible as the project timeline was set back due to the mental health needs of a participating student research assistant and the evacuation of an academic collaborator at Pepperdine University (due to the Woolsey Fire). Fortunately, we have made strong progress on the project and it is anticipated that a final manuscript will be ready for submission sometime during the Winter 2019 semester. That said, early results based on a subset of the data look promising as we see evidence of differential rates of change in physical abilities for men and women as they age. We have also seen evidence of non-linear relationships between physical abilities and age, which may also serve as a key contribution given that nearly the entirety of prior research in the area has focused on linear relationships only. We are optimistic that our study will help guide researchers to an improved and more nuanced view of physical ability subgroup differences.

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