
Journal of Undergraduate Research


ideocentrism, ideology-conflict, out-group discrimination


Family, Home, and Social Sciences




Conflict has long been a topic of interest in the social sciences. There is considerable research that has examined conflict through bias, prejudice, out-group discrimination, and in-group preferential treatment. (see Burne et al, 1975; Hewstone et al, 2002; Kilduff et al 2016) However, the literature focuses disproportionately on conflict between cultural or biological groups. Relatively little research focuses on ideological groups. Such a balance may be counterproductive, as there is evidence that ideological conflict may be superordinate to racial conflict. Chambers et al. (2013) found that prejudice towards an ideological out-group was greater than prejudice towards a racial out-group. The intensity of this prejudice was comparable across the political spectrum. Thus some forms of intolerance may result from ideological conflict. (see Brandt et al, 2014)

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