
Journal of Undergraduate Research


high-school, cross country runners, nature vs. nurture


Family, Home, and Social Sciences




One debate found in the psychological field is one of nature vs. nurture. Those agreeing with the nature side of this argument would state that we, as individuals, come into the world knowing everything we will ever know. We are ‘born’ with the genes, brain structures, etc. that will make us who they are, while those on the nurture side of the argument would say we come into the as a blank slate and our environment determines who we are. Through research and scientific discovery the consensus has been reached that both nature and nurture influence who we are, we come into the world with specific attributes but our environment is able to mold us and impact us in many ways (Keating, 2011). One of the purposes of this project was to see if behavior could be predicted depending upon which of the sides (nature or nurture) individuals tended to believe more for athletic ability. In other words, if one thought that athleticism was talent based as opposed to a product of hard work would that influence their behavior when faced with adversity?

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