
Journal of Undergraduate Research


online treatment program, compulsive pornography, pilot study


David O. McKay School of Education


Counseling Psychology and Special Education


Online pornography use among college students is frequent and extensive. Studies indicate that roughly 90% of male college students access online pornography with nearly half doing so weekly or daily (Carroll, 2008). Although there is debate about the ultimate effects that frequent pornography viewing may have, some studies have found that heavy users (roughly 10% of viewers) can spend more than one hour per day accessing pornography with negative effects on mental health (depression, anxiety), social relationships, and work performance among others. Data available through BYU CAPS indicate that approximately 10% of all clients seeking mental health counseling at CAPS desire assistance with problematic pornography viewing and associated sexual concerns. This figure does not include those students who do not initially report a concern with pornography but that later arises as counseling proceeds. Regardless, compulsive pornography viewing and the accompanying perceived negative effects is a significant concern at BYU CAPS.

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