"Positive Psychology Holistic Determinants, Testosterone Treatment, and" by Jaemson Brau and Larry Nelson

Journal of Undergraduate Research


positive psychology, holistic determinants, testosterone treatment, veterans


Family, Home, and Social Sciences


In this study I design a survey instrument and construct a data panel from the responses of a sample of US veterans. As part of the survey, I estimate the level of happiness each veteran exhibits using the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. The Oxford scale consists of 29 questions and uses a Likert scale that ranges from a low of one to a high of six. The average is typically around 4.3 (Hills and Argyle, 2002). The average happiness score for my sample of 76 veterans is 3.73. After measuring the happiness level, I ask 30 additional questions driven by the literature to determine the factors of veteran happiness. Next, I conduct Spearman Correlation tests, t-tests for equality of sample mean divided on the median of the happiness score, and a multivariate ordinary least squares model with all of the explanatory factors. I find significance for: four holistic happiness variables (faking happiness (+), spending money on loved ones (-), listening to music often (+), and using technology often (-)); one demographic variable (Age (+)); six military-related variables (active duty service (+), years of service (-), months deployed (-), service in Iraq (+), Afghanistan (+), Korea (+)); and two intervention variables (psychotherapy (-), exercise (+)). Testosterone treatment is not statistically significant.
