
Journal of Undergraduate Research


hispanic heritage, preservation of culture, LDS Spanish-speaking congregations


Religious Education


Church History and Doctrine


In the early ‘90s, ninety-four Hispanic members of the LDS church were interviewed by the BYU Redd Center for Western Studies and provided oral histories. All interviewees were from a Spanish-speaking country or were the children of parents who came to the United States from a Spanish-speaking country, and all but a few were living in Utah or California. This gave us the opportunity to look into the past of Hispanic Latter-day Saints in Utah, and compare it to those living in a different environment in California. We looked at these oral histories with the hope to determine to what degree Hispanic Latter-day Saints in Utah retain the cultures of their homeland. Looking at interviewees in California gives us the opportunity to see the results in a state with a much higher concentration of Hispanic Americans. Our main question was “How well do Spanish-speaking congregations in the LDS church assist them in retaining their culture?

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Religion Commons
