Journal of Undergraduate Research
placement portfolio, teaching, K-12 levels, higher education
Fine Arts and Communications
The academic objectives of this research project reached further than the initial objectives. We believe it was a very successful project in terms of meeting our academic objectives. The study affected our curricula here at the university as we investigated our thesis questions for this project. We (Dr. Barney and Dr. Graham) primarily teach undergraduates who are interested in teaching art at the K-‐12 levels and so there is a strong focus on what is important to know and teach at the K-‐12 levels. AP Art Studio programs are directed at 11th and 12th graders while foundations programs are usually thought of as Freshman and Sophomore courses in higher education. Our original thoughts therefore, were to connect the learning of our teacher candidates from the mentored research experience with what was gleaned about these two age groups. However, we are finding the issues brought up in foundations programs at the higher education level and studio art programs at the high school level are perhaps relevant in all age groups. This broader reach impacts our teaching of teacher candidates, highlighting the need to discuss, and challenge if appropriate, subject matter content that is defined as foundational or elementary with age groups before 11th grade. The student researchers also indicated they were not aware of the conversations in our field about what might constitute foundations for general education or for disciplinary focus.
Recommended Citation
Barney, Daniel and Graham, Mark
"Advanced Placement Portfolio,"
Journal of Undergraduate Research: Vol. 2015:
1, Article 234.
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