Journal of Undergraduate Research
German-speaking women, artists, Käthe Kollwitz, bibliography
German and Russian
If you Google the name of the German artist Käthe Kollwitz, you will find every bit as much information as you would find about Frieda Kahlo or Georgia O’Keefe. But if you attempt to move beyond a major figure like Kollwitz, the resources become scarce. As Margaret Rennolds (1987) has argued, women artists have traditionally been excluded from the canon of visual arts, with artists like Kollwitz and O’Keefe serving as notable exceptions. Yes, there are lists of women artists on Wikipedia and on the websites of various German, Swiss and Austrian museums, but even the Frauenmuseum (Museum of Women) in Bonn, Germany has limited online resources, especially when it comes to texts written by the artists themselves.
Recommended Citation
Corry, Aloe and McFarland, Dr. Rob
"Beyond Käthe Kollwitz: A Bibliography of German-Speaking Women Artists,"
Journal of Undergraduate Research: Vol. 2015:
1, Article 101.
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