
Journal of Undergraduate Research


preliminary phylogeneic analysis, Erotylidae, Cucujoidea, fungus beetles


Life Sciences


Plant and Wildlife Sciences


The Cucujoidea, a very diverse beetle superfamily, includes mycophagous and wood consuming beetles. Within the Cucujoidea is the family Erotylidae (pleasing fungus beetles). The Erotylidae includes 125 genera and approximately 2,500 species, and has a worldwide distribution. Erotylids are known for their striking coloration, including black with yellow, red, orange and even pink and purple (Boyle 1956). The current hypothesis of erotylid phylogeny is based exclusively on adult morphology and was not formulated using rigorous phylogenetic methodology. Hence phylogenetic relationships of the major lineages within this family are dubious. Since erotylid beetles exhibit such striking aposematic coloration, a well-supported phylogeny, constructed independent from their morphology, is a critical step towards understanding the evolution of this coloration and their association with fungi. This research is a first step in the exploration of the utility of molecular data for identifying major lineages within the Erotylidae.
