
Journal of Undergraduate Research


ABC, FG, DE, Col11a2, enhancer elements, cleft palate, dwarfism, arthritis


Life Sciences


Physiology and Developmental Biology


Gene therapy is extensively being studied in many labs for the potential treatment of such disorders as arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and other such disabling diseases. Researchers in Dr. Bridgewater’s lab have been studying the Col11a2 gene in hopes of future treatment of such disorders as cleft palate, dwarfism, and several forms of arthritis. Two years ago we confirmed and established that ABC, DE, and FG were indeed acting as enhancer elements for the Col11a2 gene through various mutations to these specific regions of the gene. These findings have led the lab to do research in the development of a “super enhancer element”, stem cell research, and study into the specific activation of this gene.
