
Journal of Undergraduate Research


osteoarthritis, chondrodysplasia, Col11a1, cartilage collagen mutations, Cho


Life Sciences


Physiology and Developmental Biology


Cartilage collagen mutations can alter the load-bearing properties of articular cartilage (AC), possibly leading to premature osteoarthritis. AC consists mainly of types II, VI, IX, X, and XI collagen.1 Collagen fibrils in AC are heteropolymers of types II, IX, and XI collagen2. Type II is the major constituent, making up 95% of the fibril, while types IX and XI are minor components. Collagen fibrillar meshwork is essential as it gives AC its structural and tensile strength. Type XI collagen plays a role in dictating fibril diameter, thus playing a role in the AC’s strength. Mutations in the Col11a1 gene can cause abnormalities in the cartilage.
