
Journal of Undergraduate Research


rat adrenal cortex, zonaglomerulosa, TNF, tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6


Life Sciences


Physiology and Developmental Biology


Recent studies have shown that the cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) are produced by cells found in the zonaglomerulosa of the rat adrenal cortex (I ,2). These cytokines modify adrenal hormone release gland. Specifically, IL-6 stimulates the release of glucocorticoids from the zona fasciculata/reticularis (3) and TNF inhibits the release of aldosterone from the zona glomerulosa (4). It is of interest that during times of traumatic injury or septic shock the serum and tissue levels of these cytokines increase. This increased cytokine level is partly responsible for the lethal effects of septic shock (including severe hypotension) since IL-6 and TNF decrease vascular tone and modify the release of aldosterone and glucocorticoids. Aldosterone and glucocorti· colds are important hormones in maintaining the integrity of the circulatory system. Therefore, fluctuations in the serum levels of these steroids due to IL-6 and TNF weaken the body’s ability to recover from the cardiovascular collapse that occurs during septic shock and traumatic injury.
