
Journal of Undergraduate Research


learning and memory, endocannabinoids, neuromodulation, hippocampus


Life Sciences


Physiology and Developmental Biology


Endocannabinoids are molecules that play an important role in neuromodulation and are also known to be a factor in many peripheral nervous system functions such as appetite and pain sensation. Recent discoveries have also shown that endocannabinoids and their cell-signaling mechanisms are found within the central nervous system, specifically within the hippocampus, an active component of declarative or explicit memory, yet their role in the CNS is largely unknown. Within the hippocampus there are two main categories of neurons, the pyramidal cells and the interneurons, and both are critical for hippocampal function. However, the interneurons appear to be involved in the modulation of neuronal firing. Therefore we hypothesized that these endocannibinoid signaling mechanisms would be found and expressed within the interneurons of the hippocampus.

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Physiology Commons
