
Journal of Undergraduate Research


geneology, PCR amplication techniques, mummies, ancient DNA


Life Sciences


Microbiology and Molecular Biology


During the past decade, the development of ancient DNA research has left modern science seemingly on the verge of breaching the barrier between the world we live in and the ancient past. Archaeologists, anthropologists, and molecular biologists alike have become increasingly more aware of the understanding that can be gleaned from genetic studies of ancient populations and extinct species. Although ancient DNA has remarkably been isolated and amplified from organisms hundreds, thousands, and even millions of years old 1·3, these breakthroughs represent in most cases a single ancient individual or animal with important yet modest amounts of data. In order to perform the more informative population- sized studies of ancient peoples or species, sufficient quantities of DNA must be isolated from larger numbers of individuals in a reproducible manner.

Included in

Microbiology Commons
