
Journal of Undergraduate Research


Bordetella avium, turkey coryza, pulsed-field get electrophoresis, PFGE


Life Sciences


Microbiology and Molecular Biology


Bordetellosis, or turkey coryza, is a highly contagious respiratory disease in poultry caused by Bordetella avium. Turkey growers worldwide are concerned with this disease which results in millions of dollars in losses annually to the turkey industry. Bordetellosis is readily transmitted through close contact with those already infected, or by exposure to contaminated litter or water. Infected turkeys experience, among other things, stunted growth and a predisposition for other infectious diseases. The mortality rate for bordetellosis is less than 10%. However, morbidity rates can reach 80-100% in young poults. Moreover, with concurrent infection of B. avium and Escherichia coli, mortality rates can increase to 40% or more (1).

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Microbiology Commons
