
Journal of Undergraduate Research


DNA-binding, DNA replication, plant organelles, Arabidopsis thaliana


Life Sciences


Microbiology and Molecular Biology


DNA replication is essential to all life on earth. Not only does replication occur in the nucleus, it also happens in organelles of the cell: the mitochondria and chloroplasts. In higher plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana, the genomes in mitochondria encode proteins which are responsible for DNA replication. These proteins also assist with DNA repair and recombination (Edmondson, AC et. al). One protein from the Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial genome is particularly of interest in our research: the single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB). The major function of this protein is to keep the two DNA strands separated while they are being replicated. SSB also seems to have additional functions such as mediating assembly of the Rec A complex on DNA (Edmondson, AC et. al). (The Rec A complex is a complex of proteins that functions in DNA recombination as well as repair.)

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Microbiology Commons
