
Journal of Undergraduate Research


Mormon studies, theological studies, nature of God, LDS






My research for this project was supportive of a larger project already underway by Dr. Paulsen and Ari Bruening. The project investigates claims by certain scholars concerning the teachings of the early Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (hereafter LDS Church) relative to the nature of God. The final product was a manuscript submitted to Koffard Books for subsequent publication. In addition to my research role, I also extensively edited the document, proposed and implemented major changes, and managed a research staff of a size varying from six to twelve people in their research, editing, fact checking, and writing to ensure completion of the final manuscript. In most instances, I would determine what specific research needs we had, and then request staff members to fulfill those needs. Thus, many other portions of the research for this project were first conceived by me, but then completed by others.

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