
Journal of Undergraduate Research


second language acquisition, glottal ejectives, Mayan Q'eqchi'




Linguistics and English Language


The research the grant from the Office of Research and Creative Activities has allowed me to perform has been a wonderful opportunity that has helped me to take my undergraduate work to a higher level. To be able to apply the linguistic knowledge I’ve gained in the classroom in real research, even research abroad at that has been of great worth to me. The entire process has been a learning experience and continues to be so as I finish my work on this project. This process, from the first rough sketches of a possible research project to the current work of analyzing data and preparatory work for publishing, has taught me many valuable lessons. The money I received from the grant was used to fund my travel and all associated costs therewith as I traveled to Central America to gather data. I am very grateful for this assistance.

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Linguistics Commons
