
Journal of Undergraduate Research


digital library, German women's writing, women authors




Germanic and Slavic Languages


The purpose of my research was to help with the development of the Sophie Project. It was conceived by members of the Germanic and Slavic Languages Department who had been confronted by the difficulties of the lack of usable German-language texts written by early women authors. Finding the texts of eighteenth and nineteenth century writing by Germanlanguage women authors seemed to be difficult enough, but finding texts in modern print that could be used in the classroom was even more difficult. The Sophie Project aims to ease this difficulty. As self described by its home page, it is a “digital library that will contain approximately 245 titles (295 volumes) by German-language women writing between 1740 and 1923. These texts, which have previously been out of print and difficult to access, cover a broad spectrum of genres, including novels (often with multiple volumes), stories, dramas, autobiographies, letters, travel journals and poetry. The library also presents several significant nineteenth-century reference works pertaining to women authors.”
