
Journal of Undergraduate Research


Apollo Korzeniowski, Joseph Conrad, prototype






Though he became one of England’s greatest writers, Joseph Conrad was a native of Poland. His father, Apollo Korzeniowski, was a writer, Polish patriot, and martyr for his country. For this grant, I proposed to research the plausibility of Apollo as a prototype for one of Conrad’s most complex characters: Kurtz of Heart of Darkness. Prior to receiving the ORCA grant, I had written a paper with this thesis and submitted it to Conradiana, a leading peer-reviewed Conrad journal. In response, I received a letter from the editor and comments from a reviewer, both confirming that my argument was original, but lacked in-depth engagement with Conrad criticism. I was encouraged to situate my argument in the criticism and resubmit the paper. I proposed to perform an extensive survey of the criticism and biographical sources, with the intent to resubmit the paper to Conradiana.
