
Journal of Undergraduate Research


woodwind maintenance, woodwind instruments, deterioration, maintenance method


Fine Arts and Communications




Because of the emphasis on performance in the BYU School of Music, a student’s most important tool, the instrument itself, is often grossly neglected. Woodwind instruments are particularly susceptible to deterioration. As keys are repeatedly pressed and manipulated, instrumental noise (the clicks and squeaks of keys interacting and pads closing) worsens and detracts from a performance. Dust accumulates between the pads and the wood, compromising the seal made by closed keys. Thus the quality of music depends largely on the condition of the instrument. Generally, and especially for instruments lent out by the school, this problem is not addressed until the instrument is unplayable. Then the instrument needs an expensive, complete overhaul. A student’s marketability depreciates according to the deterioration of the instrument.

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