
Journal of Undergraduate Research


poetry, visual work, sculpture, Soetsu Yanagi


Fine Arts and Communications




In the original proposal, I indicated that this Creative Research Grant would enable me to widen my scope of artistic ability and possibility. My ability would improve through increased production which this grant would make possible through the purchase of materials and tools. The results of being accepted for this grant was a large body of work, which consisted of 25 pieces, supported by original poetry and a four page paper that explained the ideas behind the visual work. The work was completed between Jan.- june 1995. Opening night was June 19, and the show lasted until the 30th. It was held in gallery 303 in the Harris Fine Arts Center. As a whole, I feel that this project was successful. It was difficult physically and mentally, yet while completing this project, I was able to tremendously increase my skills, understanding of ascetics, self and potential.
